NOTICE: The redevelopment of Fiesta Mall will be on the Mesa Planning and Zoning Board agenda on 10/23/24 beginning at 4 p.m. in City Council Chambers, 57 E. First Street.

For decades, Fiesta Mall was a Mesa shopping icon – until it lapsed into disrepair.

Abandoned since 2019, this 80-acre site in the heart of Mesa’s Fiesta District is about to be reborn.

Welcome to Fiesta Redefined

Site Map

Our Plan

Revisioning. Redeveloping. Redefining.

Verde Investments spent years acquiring the nine parcels comprising the old mall site. Now, in collaboration with Mesa’s leaders and staff, we are revisioning, redeveloping, and redefining this abandoned icon for a new day.

Our goal? To create a vibrant mixed-use Master Plan that includes multiple residential options, office space, retail shopping, restaurants, hotel partners, entertainment venues, and commercial development.

Walkable, sustainable, and teeming with open space, Fiesta Redefined promises to be a 21st century gem to make Mesa, its leaders and residents proud.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the developer or owner of the site?
Tempe-based Verde Investments – wholly owned by Ernie Garcia II, the founder of DriveTime – spent years acquiring the nine parcels that make up the 80-acre Fiesta Redefined site. Verde’s vision is to create a vibrant mixed-use Master Plan flexible enough to react to the demands and forces of the marketplace, while creating a high-quality development to make Mesa and its’ residents proud.
Who is paying for the outreach?

Verde Investments will pay for all elements of this project, including the ongoing demolition of the abandoned mall and the outreach to neighbors and local stakeholders.

What is the current zoning on the property?
The site is currently zoned “LC,” which means Limited Commercial.
What new zoning designation is the developer seeking?

The developer has applied for Infill Development District Two zoning. Mesa’s Zoning Ordinance
requires at least three of the following conditions to qualify for an ID-2 zoning district:

  • a high percentage of vacant older or dilapidated buildings or structures
  • a high percentage of vacant or underused parcels of property, obsolete or inappropriate
    lot or parcel sizes, buildings designed for obsolete land uses, or environmentally
    contaminated sites
  • a high percentage of buildings or other places where nuisances exist or occur
  • an absence of development and investment activity compared to other areas in the City
  • a high occurrence of crime

While only three of the above must be present to qualify for ID-2 zoning, the Fiesta Redefined
site has all five qualifications present.

What uses will be allowed on the site under the ID-2 zoning district?
In summary, the Fiesta Redefined development will create an outdoor mixed-use environment with users living, working, walking to shops, restaurants, entertainment venues, and open spaces that offer recreational activities for the community. Fiesta Redefined will have multiple residential developments, office, retail, restaurants, hotel, entertainment, commercial, and parking. All uses will be linked by a strong walkable and bike-friendly environment with
significant open space.
What development principles guide Fiesta Redefined?

Density – Increased density allows for more uses in closer proximity to one another. When residential, employment, retail, dining and entertainment uses are clustered together – walking, bicycling and public transit become viable alternatives to personal vehicles. 

Open Space – a proposed “village green” as a significant public gathering space will provide connectivity and walkability, while adding a greater sense of intimacy throughout the community. We will incorporate places for recreation, to feel closer to nature, to relax, to meet friends and neighbors, to walk dogs, to play games, to dine, to enjoy music, and comfortable places to sit and watch others doing the same. 

Connectivity – getting people out of cars and onto the sidewalks is critical to the success of urban environments. The streets at Fiesta Redefined have been carefully planned as the framework of this modern, urban development. Broad sidewalks with street trees, pedestrian lighting, and shade structures will be integrated into the design of each streetscape to create a comfortable pedestrian environment day and night.

Diversity and Flexibility – a wide variety of uses are envisioned for Fiesta Redefined, including a diverse range of residential, commercial and office opportunities, national and local retail presentations, hotels, restaurants, and entertainment all integrated within a pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular friendly environment. The architecture of Fiesta Redefined, like its occupants, will be characterized as progressive, creative, diverse, and respectful of the natural environment. This new gem will integrate nature, art, sustainability, access, and community to create an engaging and memorable environment.

How are these changes going to impact the area and traffic?
We believe the redevelopment of the blighted abandoned mall will create a huge plus for Mesa residents, helping to grow the economy, create jobs and contributing to solving the Valley’s housing supply crisis. While future development will require further traffic studies, a completed traffic study has been submitted to the City for their review and approval. Foremost among the design principles guiding Fiesta Redefined is to create a walkable, healthy neighborhood to elevate pedestrians over vehicle operators. The implementation of paseos is encouraged within the development and will help to create a more pedestrian-friendly environment, making it easier and more comfortable for people to walk in public spaces.
How many residential units will there be?
Fiesta Redefined could have as many as 4,000 units of housing spread across multiple residential communities.
How will you encourage a sense of community for residents?
Common open spaces will provide residents with places to gather and foster community. Designers will strive to make spaces that encourage togetherness. Open spaces and pedestrian thoroughfares will include amenities such as shaded landscape walkways, structures, arcades, benches and tables, bike racks and bike lanes.
What is the timetable for starting construction?
The demolition and earthwork at the abandoned mall is underway. The zoning process and the needs of the marketplace will dictate the timing of future development. A fair estimate for the beginning of construction would be 18 to 24 months.
How long will it take to be fully built out?
Again, the timeline largely will be dictated by the needs of the marketplace and the zoning process that lies ahead. A comprehensive redevelopment such as Fiesta Redefined could take a decade to come to completion.
What is the max height for the residential and commercial buildings?
An ID-2 zoning district would restrict the height of buildings to no more than 120 feet.
Will there be security on site 24 hours per day?
Are you saving the iconic palm trees to be reused?
Where is all the debris going from tearing down the mall?
In all, there will be about 4,000 truckloads of debris from the demolition of Fiesta Mall. About 500 loads of assorted metals will be sent to a recycling facility. Another 1,200 loads of standard construction debris will go to the landfill. The remaining 2,300 loads of concrete will be diverted from the landfill and sent to a reclamation facility. There it will be recycled and used for future construction projects.

Do you have questions?

Email the Fiesta Redefined team at [email protected]. We will
get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.